Seraphine itemization

by flopping on flopping 1680552671876

Hello, this is Mini.

Stop picking this champ support, she is an artillery mage hyperscaling champ

Mythics -

Liandrys - standard mythic, good in every game, lost chapter base is really good, gives decent amount of AH, mythic passive synergizes well with seraphine's need for Ability Haste

RoA - Good vs team comps with a lot of Dive/Burst, tons of mana/health/survivability, problem is it feels very very slow to come online and doesn't have the best build path

Luden - Can be good when you are snowballing really hard paired with sorcs/lichbane for tons of burst damage vs squishy comps, you have less util

Legendary items:

Cosmic Drive - Seraphine's bread and butter, this items feels super nice and is very easy to proc on her and stays procd even longer when paired with Liandrys. Gives a bunch of stats that Seraphine wants like tons of ap/ah, and movespeed which is an underrated stat imo.

Rabadons - Good third item after cosmic drive. massive spike

Rylais - I personally do not like building this item on Seraphine until 4th/5th item. I see a lot of Seraphines build this second every game and they miss out on a ton of damage/healing that they can be getting from going cosmic drive/rabadons before rylais. I would only build this early paired with roa vs a ton of melee/dive champs where the interruption would be very important.

There is more items but I am stopping here with the core items for now let me know if you have any questions


Nice. Do you still prefer ap with double enchanters? How does the late game feel as ap versus support?

by yellallyouwant 1680557543911


I actually build rylais a lot but have no clue if it's actually good or not...my feeling is usually I'm too behind to build rabadons (mb) and how does cosmic drive even work? Do you proc it consistently?

(this is a genuine question I don't know if I've ever bought the cosmic drive item on any champion...is it like if you hit e, q, auto it procs and stays on for the whole teamfight or what)

also do you ever get tear at some point and seraphs?

by thetankman 1680559886573


Cosmic Drive is very good. Paired with Liandrys once you proc it you have it up entire fight. You can proc it with just Double Q/E (since they count as 2 different spell procs for the passive) and auto with passive which is easy with Sera's range and very low CDs at Liandry + Cosmic spike with ionians and AH runes.

by flopping 1680562089250


I also build tear in some games where I need more sustain with biscuits secondary in lane vs poke lanes (i.e. Cait/Varus with mage sup). Personally I don't find the need for tear when I have PoM secondary, it feels like it delays my 3 item spike with cosmic/rabadons too late. I think seraphs is good when you need more survivability with the shield but generally I do not like buying tear on Sera (neither does Cupic)

by flopping 1680562263558


personally, i struggle a lot with deciding what ability i should double cast with the passive, if i'm playing seraphine bot/mid, could someone give a percentage breakdown of how often they double cast each ability? i know it depends on the situation but idk maybe i'm just dense.

by tiewhy 1680814091529


the double cast question is really good, I know I was really confused when I started playing seraphine and still kind of am? My sense is Q for waveclear, E if picking someone, W if team grouped. But curious how mini or someone who plays seraphine likes to use the double cast passive

by thetankman 1680832826874


I think once you have high enough amounts of AH you don't really have to put too much thought into which ability to double cast because you will have your double cast and spells up so frequently. I agree with what tankman said though, Generally it's good to double cast W when your team is all clumped and able to make good use of the move speed + shield/heal. (like running enemy team down/needing to disengage) Double E is really good to cast from fog to look to setup picks with your ult. Double Q is good for wave clear and also does absurd amounts of damage at 3 items if you slow someone first with your E making them unable to dodge your Q.

by flopping 1680833512772

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