1 CHALLENGER I 1848LP twtv Gryffinn [NA Talent!] Super close to rank 1 will gryffin get it
2 CHALLENGER I 1815LP Isles1 Hyper Talented
3 CHALLENGER I 1783LP T0mio Tomio will save North America
moaning sona
4 CHALLENGER I 1676LP Cupic Cupic
Ingenious Hunter + Crown/Seraphs
5 CHALLENGER I 1659LP TL Honda APA [NA Talent!] Always Plan Ahea plays mages and kled/irelia/pantheon, hit rank 1 a few times
6 CHALLENGER I 1643LP Pentaless
7 CHALLENGER I 1577LP Yuu13 new player? good belveth
8 CHALLENGER I 1559LP 2 TTV Karhus adc karthus unbeatable for me idk
9 CHALLENGER I 1399LP 5tunt celerity on enchanters?
stunt moonstone soraka games
10 CHALLENGER I 1393LP Samikin Idk why but good zoe player
11 CHALLENGER I 1349LP wx tonytoppwd [NA Talent!] Jax to rank 1 2000 lp
12 CHALLENGER I 1269LP duoking1 I got one shot by a thorn spitter
13 CHALLENGER I 1238LP Alekseyy rjsdndgod returns
14 CHALLENGER I 1226LP rege [NA Talent!] improved a lot, rengar player but has games on other champs too
15 CHALLENGER I 1157LP Haven666 sudzzi - amateur mid forever, plays lots of mid champs
16 CHALLENGER I 1138LP Matcha Tamago disgusting vladimir champion
17 CHALLENGER I 1099LP twtv mystic77 strong ezreal
18 CHALLENGER I 1093LP zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd we really just invade lvl 1 every game and permaroam
19 CHALLENGER I 1060LP 375 Benchpress EU rank 1 master yi
20 CHALLENGER I 1051LP DIG Santorin Shureyla's/Stopwatch - a lot like what schuhbart was saying earlier
21 CHALLENGER I 1046LP TTV AKASHI10 [NA Talent!] Akashi10 aka play through mid
22 CHALLENGER I 1045LP garbocan ivern blog
mb - the ivern one tricks know their cookbooks
23 CHALLENGER I 1033LP niinim Notorious twitch demon (toplaners dont die to the 5 minute gank)
24 CHALLENGER I 1007LP wx NAtongtiandai sudzzi (pretty sure)
25 CHALLENGER I 1005LP Allorim original tank man
26 CHALLENGER I 1001LP Endorfin Kelpo with the Pyke, Soraka, Asol champ pool...
27 CHALLENGER I 984LP Yung Fappy Yung Fappy signature cheese (that people still die to in 2023)
28 CHALLENGER I 980LP Do not hugme solokill sololane player
29 CHALLENGER I 977LP TempestLoveYuely Yasuo bot lowkey broken but like how is it lowkey it's been around for years
30 CHALLENGER I 973LP TonyTop Team RNG rezz kennen
31 CHALLENGER I 939LP xRoyal surprisingly good rengar top
32 CHALLENGER I 923LP Shogo Challenger adc montage
34 CHALLENGER I 907LP jimmykoi new twitch/karthus player, good at twitch support and ashe support
35 GRANDMASTER I 903LP I am Súnlight solar cooker (get it he's cooking lol)
36 CHALLENGER I 898LP The Tank Man Why no pinks
site todo list
Zen of League
S12 ending notes
Why stream no sound
Until you get punched in the mouth
How to tell what advice is actually good? An experiment
The gap is closing
Keep your glass full
Role ordering, and a funny mistake I'm weirdly proud of
Rating Campbell's Soups
The Forbidden Idol - NA Challenger Stats
A supporting character who believes herself to be the hero: System 2, and her limits
homepage now has sorting options
A good botlane lvl 1 meme
don't overthink your mental
Message for The Tank Man
The Tank Man's Milio GOES CRAZY
S13 Split 1 ending
Welcome back The Tank Man!
normal test post
Enchanter Proc Damage Changes - Oblivion Orb/Helia better now maybe good
rewind lol
o7 heard u quitting
quitting league thoughts
37 CHALLENGER I 867LP Latence2 latence?
38 GRANDMASTER I 866LP SUG4U First what is fiddlesticks mid but also need to play differently vs fiddlesticks champion
39 GRANDMASTER I 829LP Kurfyou
40 CHALLENGER I 800LP Quantum twtv quantum for a good time
Who's your favorite streamer to watch?
41 CHALLENGER I 790LP 9Lives what is an orianna support
42 GRANDMASTER I 744LP hotazy hotazy is to humzh as humzh is to tyler1
43 GRANDMASTER I 726LP Fishlord unkillable demon king swain fishlord
44 GRANDMASTER I 715LP Niikaido
45 GRANDMASTER I 709LP Kryoow dont let heimerdinger steal your red buff lvl 1
46 GRANDMASTER I 639LP bryan3838 how to tell when a champ is good
47 GRANDMASTER I 576LP zac bible weird non breaking space character name breaks league sites
48 MASTER I 567LP AatREuS 15 y/o challenger ksante
49 GRANDMASTER I 541LP Khun AgueroAgnis only 4 games on each champ?
51 GRANDMASTER I 515LP JuÍy staff of flowing water question
sona adc advice
52 CHALLENGER I 500LP buhudong Definitely not Cupic
53 MASTER I 399LP PokéMarty Janna Mechanics
54 MASTER I 390LP Latence1 Is ghost poro broken?
Good Support Player
55 GRANDMASTER I 367LP chaye9 [NA Talent!] Chaye Mooncake
56 MASTER I 363LP kkgbyn
57 MASTER I 362LP PoopSwag69 Love PoopSwag69 Yasuo Top
58 MASTER I 335LP Manco Teemo Support
59 MASTER I 328LP tiewhy celerity on sona?
how common is wintrading/intentionally losing games?
thoughts on new trinkets/wardstone?
60 GRANDMASTER I 323LP mouthbreather34 Columbia College Dean
61 MASTER I 267LP Jo Goldberg according to pobelter, every amumu game this guy lvl 2 ganks bot
62 MASTER I 237LP 1fd
63 MASTER I 224LP broken mirror DNA shockwave aka DEMOND BRAND ARC very aggressive player
64 MASTER I 216LP edating virgin
65 MASTER I 129LP Trey Lance Contractz - CLG cool team
66 MASTER I 57LP violent squirter
68 MASTER I 26LP JugemJugem
69 MASTER I 21LP nakh
70 MASTER I 1LP RaySaysHi
71 DIAMOND I 75LP donbray donbray
72 DIAMOND I 72LP the adders bite
73 DIAMOND I 57LP be free Really Good Sona Player
74 DIAMOND I 52LP paige Hello everyone
Review of tear on every enchanter
Solo Q
Solo queue music
Players You look up to
Talk about the champions you love!
consistent climbing
75 DIAMOND I 37LP dayglow
76 DIAMOND I 29LP 08 21 2004
77 DIAMOND I 22LP Il Cadster lI
78 DIAMOND I 18LP 16th place APA neeko plays
79 DIAMOND II 75LP Heal Hashira
80 DIAMOND II 75LP Latence3
81 DIAMOND II 75LP Feather Daddy Feather Daddy
83 DIAMOND II 0LP Craig Mammalton
84 DIAMOND III 75LP The Khanadian
85 DIAMOND III 25LP joblin barrel
86 DIAMOND III 15LP lonelypenguin546
87 DIAMOND IV 25LP Their Sunshine
88 DIAMOND IV 1LP nargnargnarg
89 DIAMOND IV 0LP Concise
90 DIAMOND IV 0LP otakucaboose Thoughts on miss fortune?
91 PLATINUM I 92LP inefficient toad Zeyzal
92 EMERALD I 75LP mikael22 I guess we are stuck here until /r/summonerschool is back
93 EMERALD I 75LP flopping Seraphine itemization
94 EMERALD I 75LP r1m
95 EMERALD I 68LP I Saw You
96 EMERALD I 36LP Latence
97 EMERALD II 12LP across the pond
98 EMERALD III 69LP TallDynamicFella
99 EMERALD III 51LP about to naut Current patch thoughts / opinion on current moonstone
New Moonstone changes in 13.12
Doran's Ring first back on Sona?
I'm lowkey a pussy when it comes to ranked.
new items on sona
100 EMERALD III 46LP Kiruns

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