Lucian + enchanter lanes (not only nami!) are randomly strong and fun
by The Tank Man on Lucian 1681495053990 |
Whenever Lucian is healed,
shielded, or granted a buff by an ally, his next two shots within 6 seconds are empowered to deal 14 (+ 20% AD) bonus magic damage
on-hit. The empowered shots can stack up to 4 times.
Ofc, this gives lucian a lot of bonus damage laning with enchanters.
Lucian nami is the most well known synergy, and it is a really good lane! Lucian can go in for huge trades or kills early lvls in lane with nami E, and midgame when nami gets mandate he can proc it from long range which feels great. Playing nami is definitely like as soon as you get mandate, you just want someone on your team to go kill someone.
That said, people overrate lucian nami, at least in the sense that they overpick it. I remember reading garbocan's ivern blog and wondering how you could possibly dislike ivern rengar. But thinking about my nami arc earlier this season I see where he's coming from - lucian nami is good, but maybe if you pick nami you bait someone who doesn't play lucian to pick it solely for the combo, and that doesn't feel great. Like if you only play seraphine adc and I lock in nami, seraphine nami is cool, we don't need to play lucian nami. That was a made up example, but looking at duo pickrates from for worldwide master+ 13.3-13.7, people pretty clearly lock in lucian nami together despite the duo not being comfortable or strong for them:
Lucian nami are picked together a ton - more than the next 9 most popular combos combined. Lucian nami also don't win that much together - from 46.98% to 49.50% winrate, never above 50%. I wouldn't pay too much attention to winrate numbers, especially for the less picked combos where you'll see lucian pyke goes from like 40.5% to 51.5% winrate from patch to patch despite the champions being basically the same, but it does seem like people pick lucian nami together too much.
One other thing with winrates to consider is nami's individually is just not that high. So lucian nami can be weak just because individually they're weak (btw, I stopped playing nami because they nerfed treasure hunter and I really enjoyed getting mandate as early as possible, but ability power seemed fun). Meanwhile other supports like sona or rakan are strong champions in their own right, so with lucian they do better simply because they're stronger champions than nami.
So anyways, I play lucian sona more now and always really like it. Part of it is probably that someone who picks lucian with sona is more likely to be a good lucian player than someone who picks lucian with nami. But also it's just a good lane. Sona presses the Q/W/E buttons a lot, and they all give lucian passive.
Also, one misconception people might have about sona is she scales well (right), so you only pick scaling champs with her (wrong). It's still good for sona to win lane, honestly maybe more valuable for sona because who cares if thresh finishes his locket or whatever, whereas for sona getting shureylas/moonstone, seraphs, and sofw fast is super good. Also in general there's no rule saying you can't mix scaling and early game champs; it's not like scaling champs want to give up early or early game champs want to give up late. Sona isn't as good in all ins or setting up/avoiding ganks as other supports, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to get good trades and win lane. Ofc you can pick scaling with sona, but it's absolutely not necessary. And specifically with lucian, picking sona absolutely doesn't stop him from fighting like he wants to in lane.
Here's a clip where even though we don't play it particularly amazing or do anything super well, we approach the lane right and kill them literally lvl 1. And if you can walk up and get hooked and win anyways, your champions must be strong:
I take an aphelios auto for Qing him - I sometimes wonder if with perfect spacing you can consistently Q the aphelios champion for free, but idk I always seem to take an auto in return. More importantly thresh starts hook lvl 1 and hooks me, which is a dumb cheese because you can just click on him and see he didn't start flay, but I get hit with it anyways, but fortunately it doesn't matter because we just kill them. The main theme of lucian sona is this sort of thing where they engage on sona, because normally engage supports simply kill sona, but lucian sona actually has the damage to win these all ins.
A clip where they try to kill sona, but lucian walks up and kills their aphelios:
Note rakan is C9 Zven, champion of the North American League Championship Series. Again the instinct for the engage support to kill sona is there and actually would be correct if we didn't have lucian (you know he goes ok we kill the tank man sona 10 times and win while emoting). If instead of gigachad lucian we had some useless coward adc, my adc would only auto rakan a few times there for a bit of dmg (which doesn't matter because rakan is unkillable demon champion) and their adc would hit me for free and do a lot of damage or kill me. But again, fortunately we picked lucian sona, so we win these, which is fun.
Also, note lucian passive procs eight (8) times, for 22, 22, 22, 24, 25, 25, 25, 24 damage. Riot gave us 189 damage level 2 for picking lucian sona!!
A clip to highlight the skill of the lucian player:
Both lucian and sona should walk up aggressively to look for trades, but in the actual all in lucian takes a bit more decision making and mechanics to play the fight, mostly because he has his E dash to use well. Here lucian recognizes aphelios is still lvl 2 with no flash, plus lucian still has flash for rakan w, and ofc has sona lucian passive dmg, so lucian can dash in and kill him. So yeah you both walk up to fight but recognizing and executing the fight is more on lucian.
Another clip where sona lucian wins despite not playing particularly well:
We have the right idea to look for trades and an all in lvl 2, especially after sivir wastes her E, but lucian flashes in on lulu as her shield comes back up. Fortuntely, we picked lucian sona, so we almost instantly burst her from 228 hp as my w shield narrowly saves lucian. Again these slightly scuffed fights show our champs and idea to fight are good because we mess it up a bit but win anyways.
I think that's it for lucian for sona for now. To summarize, you look for trades and fights and if they try to kill you, you just kill them.
The other enchanter I want to look at is milio as I played 2 milio games with lucian recently that felt good.
A clip where I press E on lucian and he clicks on rakan:
Rakan takes like 200 dmg from one auto. The lucian passive and milio passive both proc on the E auto which feels nice.
A clip when they try to all in but we have more damage and burst twitch:
Twitch takes way more damage than he expects, flashes late, dies. Lucian passive + enchanter :)
Another clip highlighting the importance of lucian's skill:
Lucian straight up skillchecks the blitz by dashing in while he still has hook up. Idk if that should even work but the hook goes very wide. Regardless lucian nearly kills jinx from full hp with milio E/W allowing him to get more autos off, and proccing lucian and milio passives. I'll say midgame compared to lucian nami, extending auto range doesn't help lucian R, whereas nami E/mandate work great with lucian R in those midgame midlane ego checks. But early in lane the auto range is probably as good or better than nami's E slow for getting autos in.
Final clip, taking jinx from 710 to 0 hp as she walks to lane:
We made the decision to cheese there but honestly I feel like everyone involved was surprised how much damage we did.
So yeah, lucian + enchanter in general does a lot of damage. Lucian nami does too ofc, but then you're stuck playing nami, and often you want to play another enchanter, which is not merely fine but great with lucian.
Nice. It seems like people get trapped into thinking of league as a fighting game and they try to find ability combos and champion combos, but it's really more about kiting, finding trades, knowing when to go in. |
by hotpotato325 1681537888971 |