Thoughts on miss fortune?

by otakucaboose on otakucaboose 1682747415032

Just like her strengths compared to other adcs frustrating moments of playing with or against her. I just can't seem to understand if she should just scale, play to secure a lead or stay even and play as a teamfighter, or if she's made to just fistfight the enemy adc.

Most conversation around her tends to be how she's good for beginners/ can poke/ has AOE or mostly there's no conversation at all. I have the impression that she surges in playrate when overtuned but otherwise is only picked by those who like her skins/identity and being relegated to being "training wheels" for lower elo adcs. I've started to play her(7 loss streak lol) and have been wanting to key in to her identity/strengths and I find myself just aiming to cs safely and trade when heavily in my favor but wonder if another carry would get more value doing the same and I'm just using her kit inefficiently.

on another note her builds? I scoured high elo mfs(not many?) and high elo adcs sparse matches on her to find an inconsistent mixture of crit/lethality and gross mixtures of both at seemingly random muramana just appearing in any order and rune setup. It seems most of you here are at a really high rank and I'm worried my post is out of place, my rank bleeding into my words so to speak, but that summonerschool subreddit is horrific please you can't send me back there lol.

It feels like knowing a champions strengths or purpose is necessary for me to set goals within that particular game and know what I'm playing towards especially in terms of rune choices/ item priority. To be more precise her strengths in regard to other relevant adcs. Any thoughts at all are really welcome, thanks! :333


First thing btw - I also sometimes feel summonnerschool could be better, which is part of why here you log in with your league account. And I'm very happy to see lots of master+ people and good public league discussion. But you could be bronze and your post would still be welcome! Especially if it's a question. Ofc there are bad questions, like if people start spamming variants of "why does my team suck every game" that's bad, but something like this post asking about a champion's strengths or purpose is a great question.

(also, it seems like most ppl here are supports and maybe we don't know anything about miss fortune builds...)

Anyways, like you said there aren't a ton of mf players but dog2 and monster chad god have always played a lot of mf. (btw this site has https://www.legendsofleague.gg/league/champions/missfortune but realistically right now https://www.onetricks.gg/champions/ranking/MissFortune is cleaner and has EU/KR too)

Random murumanas seem more part of a lethality setup; kraken/murumana together would be surprising. The harder question is probably choosing between crit and lethality. Also for crit you can maybe choose between lethal tempo or pta.

You can probably play her for trades and a lead early, especially if lethality or pta and your matchup goes well. Idk just be good at hitting the Q bounce maybe and look for auto q auto especially with pta. As far as scaling carries go, jinx/xayah/zeri probably scale better currently but idk. If I got a mf adc vs one of those I'd think we should win early, but ngl idk what her gameplan is.

One random trick I remember doublelift mentioning with kraken slayer is you hit a minion once to charge it so when you Q a minion into a champion you get the kraken proc on the champion.

by thetankman 1682782949223


Thanks for the reply and the website resources! I was just scrounging off of lolalytics or just manually skimming through match historys lol. The Soraka-Sona player network here is inspiring

Yea the summonerschool subreddits get bogged down with those sort of rants, people struggling over the loss of control over their teams actions/outcome. But there's another aspect which I think is that their are a lot of genuinely new players/players who have never taken the game competitively and would like to give it a chance, asking basic questions/questions that almost answer themselves and are answered by players in nearly the same situation leading to discussion feeling like the blind leading the blind. Not that lower elo players shouldn't/can't participate in discussion but rank can maybe act as a sort of qualification or credit.

Build choices seem fairly situational I think knowing when to go lethality or LT over PTA comes down to familiarity and preference. In my mind since lethal tempo got nerfed PTA stonks(and all champs that use it) should go up but maybe LT was plenty strong to begin with.

I think in terms of gameplan she's fairly standard adc with an aggressive lean like a meaner ashe, can trade heavily with q, pushes lane without much mana with Love Tap(P) and try to set up for kill/take plates, but is still comfortable scaling against a more early game oriented/aggressive lane. Whereas a trist/samira can play like a diver, mf wants to set up kills/plates with q poke sort of just low-risk trading with PTA or comet I would think. Later on in the game while MF suffers from being easily divable with low range and lack of a dash she is always relevant because of her ulti, being mindful it is easily cancelable/can be walked out of. like in most thing she's also a slightly more than middle of the pack duelist because of her crazy as steroid and passive.

A lot of her association with newer players I think comes from this flexibility along with well-rounded strengths.

The part of her I'm stilling learning is that there are situations where switching off of your primary target can increase your dps, by refreshing love tap on the target and reducing the cooldown of strut as the AS steroid is relatively high and short-lived, looks really troll in the moment lol.

All of this is really just the impression I have of her after 35 games, I can accept that someone with much more playtime might have a completely different view of the champ and have an open mind about it.

by otakucaboose 1682924172333


Value’s answer here is much more valuable (xd) than mine!


”MF with comet versus immobile / low sustain champs is nuts for dominating lane. There's minimal counter play to getting E spammed (then E R at 6). it doesn't scale the best but still provides decent burst vs squishies with its lethality and is more of an early game pick for making bullying lane noninteractively.

On the other hand, crit MF is the more scaling oriented build. She used BT before it was cool because it has synergy with her strut, since her movespeed bonus doesn't fall off after taking damage until the shield is broken. With her high base attack from love tap, she can drain tank lots of damage. Kraken > BT > IE or Kraken > IE > BT depending on what you'd like to prioritze scales incredibly well and I think she's in a solid spot. Some of the best answers into her have become decent in the meta (ranged hypercarries that can out range her) which is why she's fallen by the wayside. She excels into midrange champs that she can brawl like Kai'sa and Lucian.

If you're Masters or lower she's one of my recommended picks because of how linear she is. At the upper levels of play, there's better picks, but for learning the game simple is better. Her burden of execution is relatively low.”

by thetankman 1683043978089

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