Shurelya -> Zhonyas build (tearless)

by worstsonaworld on Sivir 1682899073708

I've been going this build for the last month and i really like it, i stole it from https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/jae

Full early game runes with aery / manaflow / celerity / scorch + presence of mind / cut down Shurelya rush always, and instead of tear -> archangel you go zhonya 2nd item

You are much stronger for the first like 20 minutes of the game since you have early game runes and the zhonyas build path is infinitely better than archangel. Being able to buy stopwatch (op item), fiendish codex (overstatted item) and amp tomes in 435g increments is much better than buying kindle gem and waiting for 1250g for rod. Also the zhonyas active is a lot stronger than seraph shield if you use it well. You can consistently bait people with it or just be immortal since they dont want to focus you.

3rd item sofw 99% of the time cause riot forgot to make other enchanter items. Wardstone is really good 4th item cause it gives insane stats, is cheap and the ward passive is op. Thats not really different from any other sona build though.

Tldr classic aery precision shurelya tearless early game focus build but zhonyas 2nd item for survivability and super good build path


Is this schuhbart btw? I would've liked to get EU ppl here too but the account stats are NA only for now idk what in spaghetti will happen if an NA worstsonaworld tries to sign up now...

Completely agree on fiendish codex being overstatted and great build path.I want to confirm this but feel like so many games are decided early that just going fiendish codex and being strong early/mid is all you need.

Interesting you like zhonya's active literally every game - I always thought it was more situational but could see if every game lots of champs dive you it's consistently useful.

by thetankman 1682914503413


Yeah i think zhonyas is really good. I feel like there are many games where having shurelya + stopwatch instead of shurelya + kindlegem has a big impact and same thing with zhonya instead or archangel lategame.

Im gonna start keeping track of stopwatch / zhonya value every game and write it down. So far my opinion of the build is based on a combination of "feeling" and general performance over a decent number of games (i built it every game for the last ~70 games). But its not a very exact analytical comparison to alternative builds (yet)

by worstsonaworld 1682964515611


Regarding the website - have you considered the following scenario

  1. i make a post on thetankman
  2. thetankman changes summoner name to tsmthetankman69 What happens to my post?
  3. someone else changes summoner name to thetankman What happens to my post now?

I believe that a good handling of this scenario would get you 99% of the way to supporting multiple regions

by worstsonaworld 1682965375429


Tbh "I did this every game for 70 games and it felt good" is good enough

That said I would be very interested in how many times you actually use it. If you do record the results I'd be curious as well as for how often you could go for a play where you don't end up needing to use stopwatch but felt like you could only do it because you had stopwatch.

On the name change case, yeah there were a lot of issues with name changes. Hopefully they're fine now but EU players still (in the great American tradition of not caring about the rest of the world) won't have stats.

by thetankman 1682983229343

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