Talk about the champions you love!

by paige on paige 1682917885798

Sometimes when I am feeling bad about league I try to think about the core reasons why I love this game so much. One of the main reasons first and foremost is the champions. I absolutely love all of the champions even though I hate playing against or with some of them, I think they all legitimately have very cool designs and it makes me happy to know that there were people who put their love and care into making characters for us to enjoy.

I guess I'll start by talking all of the champions I mained in order.

Wukong - Wukong was my first main because my Ex who introduced me to league was a Wukong main. I didn't actually play him for very long because this was back when the free champions changed after level 5 and I didn't feel like buying him, but he will always have a special place in my heart. I actually liked that he was OP for a bit even though he was annoying to play vs. because he was useless for so long.

Caitlyn - Caitlyn was the second champion I mained for a long time. I really liked her because she was so long range which was comforting when I started playing and it was really satisfying to do headshots with Runaans and Shiv. Then I figured out I wasn't very good at her <3

Ashe - I transitioned into playing Ashe mostly when I was still an ADC main because she was fun and a long range adc like Caitlyn but a lot easier. I got my first SR penta on Ashe

Sona - I started getting support a lot in blind pick so I picked up Sona and she is still my main to this day. Not much to say I just love Sona so much forever, I love her aesthetic, gameplay and I will always have more fun playing her than anyone else. Bit sad that she isn't what she used to be but happy she hasn't changed too much. If Sona got reworked I'd probably stop playing league.

Lux - Lux was my first mid main just cause she's pretty and long ranged like most of the champions I enjoy. I'm not very good at her anymore but it was super fun to play her mid back in the day.

Katarina - Katarina was the champ in ranked that got me to gold in my very first season of playing. Will always love her but she doesn't click for me as much anymore after the rework.

Yuumi - Say what you want about Yuumi but she has a special place in my heart. She helped me really love league agai nwhen I was feeling bad about myself cause I just got to have fun and observe some little things I wasn't very aware of. This may be quite controversial but Yuumi actually helped me get better at league because of the different people I sat on, I truly watched the game from their perspective as I played off their cooldowns and positioning. I didn't really understand the win con/engage angle of some champions, mostly junglers until I started playing Yuumi. It was also really fun to push a champion to the limit that doesn't seem to have much at the surface, I truly think I'm one of the best yuumi players that ever existed and she's definitely a shell of what she once was but I'll always appreciate this stupid cat.

Honorable mentions of champions I like in general cause I don't feel like typing a whole essay.

Enchanters: Soraka, Milio, Nami, Lulu, Janna, Karma Mages: Seraphine, Zyra, Orianna, Ahri, Syndra, Lissandra, Vex ADC's: Vayne, Jinx, Miss Fortune, Kaisa, Zeri Special Mentions: Evelynn, Nocturne, Shyvana, Teemo, Sylas, Maokai


Idk why but renata didn't interest me at all - haven't played a single game of her - whereas milio's release was like cool riot's making new content for me.

Also waaaaaay back in the day ap kayle and ap sion were fun

by thetankman 1682982629135

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