The Tank Man's Milio GOES CRAZY

by vA1U3 on The Tank Man 1682976635243

just found out about this site and I think it's awesome

appropriate my first post is an homage to the creator himself

I don't think you can embed a video so here's a link to the clip:

The Tank Man's Milio Highlight featuring me (Value247) on Zeri


Thanks! And hah I legit remember that game because it's probably my only cool milio dash interrupt. I feel like the thing with milio or similar champs is sometimes you have to go crazy in a bad way in lane for a bit so you get to go crazy later.

Unrelated but someone was asking about miss fortune earlier and it seems like mostly support players here so there was no satisfying answer - would you ever pick mf to scale or win lane? I haven't seen one in a while but is there any mechanic generally important for the champ idk

by thetankman 1682982471006


MF with comet versus immobile / low sustain champs is nuts for dominating lane. There's minimal counter play to getting E spammed (then E R at 6). it doesn't scale the best but still provides decent burst vs squishies with its lethality and is more of an early game pick for making bullying lane noninteractively.

On the other hand, crit MF is the more scaling oriented build. She used BT before it was cool because it has synergy with her strut, since her movespeed bonus doesn't fall off after taking damage until the shield is broken. With her high base attack from love tap, she can drain tank lots of damage. Kraken > BT > IE or Kraken > IE > BT depending on what you'd like to prioritze scales incredibly well and I think she's in a solid spot. Some of the best answers into her have become decent in the meta (ranged hypercarries that can out range her) which is why she's fallen by the wayside. She excels into midrange champs that she can brawl like Kai'sa and Lucian.

If you're Masters or lower she's one of my recommended picks because of how linear she is. At the upper levels of play, there's better picks, but for learning the game simple is better. Her burden of execution is relatively low.

by va1u3 1683039428535



by tiewhy 1683083093758

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