[NA Talent!] Always Plan Ahea plays mages and kled/irelia/pantheon, hit rank 1 a few times

by The Tank Man on TL Honda APA 1684160373938

Originally he was an aurelion sol main but hasn't touched the champ for a while. Now he does really well on mages in soloq - ziggs/cass/syndra/ahri, and xerath support. He also randomly plays kled. I think pantheon is just a currently op thing and irelia can be hit or miss. On his other account clerkie he's playing tristana/neeko/ksante, so not just mages. But it is interesting that he plays mages because I feel like a lot of mage players don't climb in soloq, then decide well you can't just play mages mid and climb. But apa plays mages to rank 1 so idk just win your lane or something, I'm curious what he does on mages that other players don't. Especially on cass I'm sure he's running his lane rather than going even and scaling, but again idk what's different for him.

He played for Maryville University for a year and now is in TL's academy. His most played competitive champs look a lot like soloq: https://gol.gg/players/player-stats/3808/season-ALL/split-ALL/tournament-ALL/champion-ALL/ ...no kled though. But it's cool to see the competitive pocket picks like ziggs/cass are the same as soloq. And again I think a lot of mage players hit a certain lp and then say ok mages can't climb, so idk if you're stuck on cass or something it's probably worth watching how he wins lane.

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