consistent climbing

by paige on paige 1684377395823

This is the first season where I have dropped hundreds of lp and I didn't lose the will to climb back. Maybe it's just inflation but I think I've improved at least a little bit. Good luck in your climb everyone!


I feel like this season feels more inconsistent just because of the increased lp gains/losses - what would've been natural +-150 lp fluctuation is now +-250 lp. Like you win or lose 4 games and go up or down 100 lp, it feels more dramatic than it really is.

It does make it kind of hard to tell precisely if you're climbing/dropping from how you're playing or from random luck. Like I just dropped a few hundred lp and idk I feel like loss streaks are always kind of both, like I'm playing bad, losing every lane, dying, whatever, but also getting unlucky, almost all my losses I'd prefer their adc to mine, idk.

Ideally you look at your big loss streak and see a few winnable ones with mistakes and say ok next time I don't die to these ganks, flash the syndra stun, wait for team to clear sidelanes/camps to go up mid, etc., and you're confident you'd win those games if you play better. Still it's hard to to tell how much of your wins/losses were you vs luck.

by thetankman 1684387370799


i think youre thinking too much about it @tankman. You're at your 1k lp consistently every season no matter what champ you decide to play, the items you buy or the runes you take. The main reason why you are at where you're at is because you gap the enemy supp more times than you think, thats it. Also climbing is 2 things, macro and mental. You are a proven speciman of this fact because you are building the most garbage items like crown but still winning. now you are playing nami and still winning, you stopped this crown hype and still winning and the items and runes will change every game lol which proves my point further that itemization, runes & champs are meaningless in climbing

by healhashira 1684553531927

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