disgusting vladimir champion

by The Tank Man on Matcha Tamago 1684437288157

You can tell a champion/player is strong/carrying when there's a game you really should lose, like matchmaking was clearly against you here, but you win anyways off the back of the disgusting vladimir damage or whatever. In this case if you scroll 7 days ago, we have yung fappy ziggs and jamican banana jarvan, which I'm not saying are bad, they both did quite well, but their mmr is higher from teemo and ivern so the enemy team is good players, plus we have offroles and they don't. He plays vlad bot and mid - I've gotten run by it, the damage if ahead is insane - but in this game vs lux jinx we put vlad mid and ziggs bot which I think is right because ziggs has range to farm; soraka struggles vs ranged supports like lux since you can't get in range to Q, and that redneck pope555 guy I can never hit Q on. So vlad bot would've been miserable whereas ziggs has enough range to farm.

And then how do we actually win this game? I have no clue but in some random fight vlad gets a few kills, and from there he oneshots their whole team. Maybe night harvester is broken on him or something idk. Anyways when you look at the players/champions in a game and say "yeah that's a loss", but then it's a 15 minute win, you know someone overperformed.


(also, pinkless superteam somehow triumphs over lauded rising north american talent general sniper!)

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