ways to find new builds

by YellAllYouWant on YellAllYouWant 1684441318797

Wonder if there are some good ways to look for cool builds that people use successfully? Right now I just get fed videos in the Youtube algorithm.

I wanted to play some supports who can "kite". Looks like Pink ward gets some success with a hybrid Shaco sup, And there is ashe and twitch sup


This site is a good resource

by yellallyouwant 1684441695294


Ofc I have to shout out https://www.legendsofleague.gg/league/champions but realistically right now https://www.onetricks.gg/ looks cleaner and crucially has stats for EU/KR, not just NA, so you can see schuhbart or whoever.

For twitch support jimmykoi should be better known, idk exactly what you mean by kiting but if you want to play adc supports duoking1 spaces well on senna and sometimes goes locket

by thetankman 1684456744078

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