
by Khun AgueroAgnis on Khun AgueroAgnis 1684652332677

The durability patch took shieldheal power and healing off of everything because overall damage would be lower. Now imagine the damage in the game is now higher than its been since maybe duskblade on release (in regards to ghostblade) but nothing was moved to compensate.

ADCs functionally lost every defensive tool in their kits in exchange for one shot poke builds with jhin and cait. You cant afford to play onhit because the fight will be over by the 5th aa. Rageblade is really strong on certain adcs but lethality is stronger, if fights only last 5 seconds, maximize your burst.

Enchanters HAVE to go echos 90% of time for the ap difference between the other options, sheurlyas is situational but MOONSTONE IS AWFUL ON EVERYTHING IN EVERY SITUATION. The main issue is the design doesnt give you anything extra to the ONE YOURE ACTUALLY TRYING TO HEAL, or yourself. The item quite literally only has value grouped and even then typically targets are focused down in a way that makes it useless.

Toplane item changes are fine actually :3

Assassin changes are fine EXCEPT ghostblade as an outlier is not real. The item gives a stat that scales off of your level, per level on top of bonus ad. Lethality does not fall off if you build this thing the sheer pen is too high and if your champ can go first strike too its genuinely not playable for the target. If you play against a Talon, Shaco, Rengar you literally have to pray you have a zilean that can ult you or that your assassins are more fed.


Nerf Ghostblade passive Nerf Echos Buff Moonstone or change Every ADC Item is Wack - Why does every kirech shard item have ap scaling now, what did they cook with that. AND WHY IS IT AP SCALING AND NOT CRIT MULTIPLIER - My viegar with lichbane statik just aa r their adc xd?? - Ahri going everfrost dcap statik ?? - WHO WAS LIKE, YEAH SEEMS PRETTY POGGERS

This was a rant


lichbane statik is not a real thing is it? but specifically with there being too much dmg I agree and schuhbart had a similar post, also agree with echoes being strong just for the ap passive

idk though let them cook a little, but it is weird that the preseason patch comes in May

by thetankman 1684683016363


My favorite part about the enchanter item rework is that Riot's goal was to make them more fun to use:

Enchanters will have a number of items reworked with the primary goal of being more satisfying to use, with better build paths and higher satisfaction outputs. ( https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-midseason-and-mythics/ )

And here we are with Echoes of Helia being a +40 AP stat stick. You could watch the old Moonstone healing the shit out of someone with its passive procs, meanwhile Echoes heals for like a quarter of that amount on average. The new Moonstone is garbage and I think it would also feel atrocious to use even if it had better numbers because the heal / shield bouncing is such a stupid mechanic but it's hard to tell without using it so whatever.

I also hate the design of Echoes in general and I think that it's shit in multiple ways compared to the original Athene's but that's a topic for another discussion.

by schuhbart 1684769476455



but yeah the 40 ap is kind of annoying if it means you have to get the item even if you don't feel the dmg/heal passive

what's wrong with heal/shield bouncing? It does feel a bit premature to complain about moonstone not having tried it

by thetankman 1684772489946

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