Shureyla's/Stopwatch - a lot like what schuhbart was saying earlier

by The Tank Man on DIG Santorin 1686077887456

A while ago schuhbart mentioned shurelya's->zhonya's felt good - this seems pretty similar but with stopwatch from runes instead of buying it.

The other difference is going tear, I feel like it's nice swith shureyla's though but who knows.

Especially if helia/moonstone feel bad now I'd want to try this.


Shurelya -> mejai -> zhonya's is kinda hot in comps where you know you can keep mejai stacks alive.

I like zhonyas in general, I think that being tanky on Sona is really underrated.

It's either: - enemy tries to kill your adc, you peel with your choice of (W-chord, R, heal/shield, 2nd W-chord, heal summoner, shurelyas), adc lives and you win game - enemy tries to kill sona, you are tanky and live, or you're tanky and die but enemy had to expend a lot, adc lives and you win game

tl;dr click zhonya win game

by lvl11autowin 1686092887607


There definitely are a lot of fights where the enemy team just tries to kill you and being tanky on sona feels good. Idk if I personally would keep the mejais stacks though. But the zhonyas click does feel really good.

by thetankman 1686109726345


Also shurelya's/defensive items are definitely good for letting you peel, but also for engaging and running enemy champs down

by thetankman 1686109816955


And the item slots are the killer too with dark seal/tear/boots, you can only get one of them or you're stuck sitting on up to like 1800g for zhonyas completion (1 support item, 2 shurelya's, 3 stopwatch, 4 fiendish codex,then pick 2/3 of dark seal/tear/boots)

by thetankman 1686175847867


more thoughts on this I love having stopwatch every game - there's always a karth r or insane dive or something where they try to kill the sona - but without tear or presence of mind I go oom every game

by thetankman 1686190411297


Do I ever go tear/boots early with this build?

by abouttonaut 1686365577518


idk this is sort of the problem - early boots and maybe lucidiy seems good, tear if not early at least once you have shurelya's seems good, but you don't have enough item slots with stopwatch...maybe if you don't think going zhonya's is worth this game you could sell broken stopwatch to get the slots for boots + tear into seraphs

by thetankman 1686424982187

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