roaming as sona

by sydnèy sweèney on Sivir 1690475969753

idk if you're still active tank man but i had a question !! so last game(as sona) i was against a rakan and he started perma roaming with his jungle after around level 5, and i didn't know what to do in that situation. their adc was an ezreal and we managed to dive him but only once. my team were blaming me because the top side fights were at a numbers disadvantage so i think maybe i should've went to help but i feel like i would've missed out so much xp and sona just isn't as good at roaming as rakan


I'm not playing for a bit, will probably come back later this season. There are a few things I wanted to do on this site but less interested when not playing, but the addition of Emerald rank broke it so I'll at least fix that.

Anyways (un)fortunately sona vs roaming supports is a perennial problem.

-winning lane hard is good because it's just good and you have more chances to dive by poking/contesting their waves 2v2 or 2v1 so they feel pressure to stay

-I'd roam if there's a clear need to roam which is basically just a herald, really obvious jungle invade, or dive top, but idk maybe it depends and some people roam more, but lvl 5 sona has no hard cc so idk

-I haven't watched your games so idk but just in mine I've noticed I hesitate to ping sometimes when their support is missing but only might be mid and I'm not sure, because I don't want to danger ping if there's no roam, but those times when I don't totally expect the roam are also when even decent mid players will be surprised too and die so it's probably good to spam ping then

-I don't think midlaners should die to roams because it's a short lane, maybe it fks them idk I don't play mid, but I feel like if you see their support mid and your mid pings rakan alive sona alive you just say lol whatever, and try to get some spellthiefs bot instead of getting pulled mid

-on that punishing roams though: one trap I've noticed I fall into is you see their support roaming so you go more aggressive, which is good you can't just do nothing while they win the game, but then if you keep playing aggressive even when you don't see them anymore they can go back bot and kill you. This is especially dangerous when their supp/jg go mid together and clear all the vision, then go back bot in the time you're still trying to press bot to get your advantage bot while they're mid. Idk the exact number of seconds but vs champs with long engage like rakan or rumble you can very quickly go from seeing them mid to being overextended bot and caught/dead

-going back through mid instead of bot is a thing but idk how much it even does

-one roam timing specifically for jungle invade chances is if you get ganked and die bot and your jungler makes the executive decision that we can't win 3v3 bot or do anything bot so we're compensating for their gank bot with an invade top, you may need to leave base topside when you respawn and follow the jg invade. I'm thinking specifically of a game I had with dardoch where I think he got mad I died to a gank bot then didn't follow the invade topside after respawning, because rewatching the game his thought was probably we can't play bot now so we're forced to do this invade top

-following your jungle around like an npc is a surprisingly good strategy - this is lowkey part of yuumi's strength that she forces you to do this - since on support you kinda want to be with whoever on your team is strongest and making plays, especially as sona if you're caught alone and die it usually costs the enemy team nothing whereas if you're caught with a strong teammate and die they trade a death or something to kill you. But like you said if you're just like level 5 you don't feel very useful, you can do this yuumi cosplay a lot better once you have shurelya's

-the early game and roaming is just a weakness for sona idk, again the biggest thing is to win 2v2 so they have fewer options, maybe for your specific game screenshotting the times rakan roamed and you got nothing would help see if you could've gotten more bot or should've gone top (even just going back and getting the screenshot yourself might help you look at what you should do), but yeah idk how much there is to say beyond be aware of where ppl off map are and win your lane 2v2

by thetankman 1690863901722


-one more point, having free stopwatch makes more 2v1 dives possible

by thetankman 1693251229874

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