what is an orianna support

by The Tank Man on 9Lives 1695670461713

Can't be bothered to spend forever looking at it or writing it but lol never seen anyone win on this before and he builds different items every game so the wins must come from winning lane or something or just getting the best team luck in history


9lives is a friend of mine, and the reason Ori support is strong is bc they've just overbuffed the champ so much for mid lane that it also is rly good support unironically. you give a ton of flat resists on your E and your poke in lane is kinda ridiculous. transitioning out of lane you are just looking to keep the ball on your carry for the resists and then if you have good comp with engage you just put the ball on whoever is your engage for big teamfight ults. so basically strong lane as well as good scaling and so much utility

by befree 1696302251156


ah interesting thanks, kinda seems like any mage buff maybe other than ap ratios just makes them better support

by thetankman 1696343321503

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