weird non breaking space character name breaks league sites

by The Tank Man on zac bible 1696567889487

Currently opgg links this guy in other people's matches as "https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/%C2%A0%C2%A0" but if you actually go to that it doesn't work, which I've never seen before. You can't view his account on deeplol, u.gg, or lolalytics either. Fortunatly, legendsofleague.gg is superior in this one aspect :)

Apparently %C2%A0 is a non breaking space in UTF-8. Somehow that character is valid in a league account name but breaks all these websites? Maybe because of the way they internally store account names and then link them as urls?

When I mess around in the shell for this site it's python, so their name prints as '\xa0\xa0' - that character \xa0 in python is a character escape sequence that represents a non-breaking space. (this is all copy paste from stackoverflow but you get the point)

But yeah somehow the non breaking space character is allowed in your account name but a name with only that confuses league sites.

PS: I couldn't submit this post with the submit post button like you normally would, because it automatically "cleans" the player name, ie removes 2 the non breaking space chars...I temporarily turned off that validating step to post this, but that seems like bad practice in general so this will be the only post on this account


https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/%C2%A0%C2%A0 doesn't work but you can see him in game with https://www.legendsofleague.gg/league/player/Quantum/

by thetankman 1696568064550


now that I think about it, it may be a bad sign it works here, indicating there should be some sort of name cleaning/validation like what the other sites do...I don't think it's used in raw sql though

by thetankman 1696594515562

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