milio q vs naut q interaction

by The Tank Man on Zoe 1697893633415

If milio q hits naut after he starts pulling himself towards you, you interrupt his hook pull and he doesn't get the root auto off.

Note that you can't q early, because no matter what cc naut takes before he hits his hook he'll pull himself to the champ/wall he hits. For instance when nauts intentionally get blitz hooked but q the wall so they'll fly right out. So if you q first and then he hooks it's bad because you hit q him but then he pulls himself to you anyways and roots you.

Example where q interrupts naut pull: https://clips.twitch.tv/ThankfulSmokyPresidentJKanStyle-ooFtqBCzEOs7t1jt

Example where naut pulls after eating q:


In the first clip I q after naut hooks, so he doesn't get the root auto: https://i.imgur.com/bI9VcQk.png

In the second clip I toss my q early, so it hits naut a bit before he pulls himself: https://i.imgur.com/JnTz5ap.png

This is game losing - I die and then they dive tris and she loses the wave. So it's important to throw out milio q after seeing him hook, rather than speculatively before naut hooks.

It's also probably bad in general to fight all ins against nautilus as milio - in lanes like milio tris vs naut samira they want to all in early and you just want to keep it stable. Maybe if it was something like hail of blades tris against jinx this sort of scrappy fight would be better. But again it's generally bad to get cced in range of samira.

Anyways, this sort of interaction is helpful with the nautilus matchup. I'd guess my winrate vs naut is low but we'll get there one day - it's probably better to just not fight (again naut samira...). But these interactions are fun, like corejj had a somewhat famous thresh vs naut interaction that doublelift leaked so he made a video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hygsQvuu7Nc. I also really enjoyed playing sona taric with corejj once against nautilus because unlike some supports with sona ad he was totally willing to tank the hook, and when he saw the hook would channel taric e to stun after getting pulled in.

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