site todo list
by The Tank Man on The Tank Man 1673663698485 |
flip glacial slow/dmg reduced
riot ids instead of summonernames
abouttonaut page not working - summonername lookup broken in template
name in champion post list
comment/submit dont work if just number not text in url
let filter by champ in match history
timeline info out of db
for non ranked games no timeline info, no skill order
sqlite to postgres
doctype html all base templates
match timeline
match kills
does upvote post from player page work?
match switch immediately to blank or loading page then load details
leaderboard show champs, live games
update high elo permanently
consider cutting api calls in half by only getting timeline
worker timeout when updating
error msg when posting not logged in
========below this line not urgent===========
click to sign in just button to rso (unlogged in vote)
time since last game to game end instead of start
add time and gold to takedown movie
timeline last arrow, x on sell
champions page might need to show post by players, not just on
delete undo items
data dragon for cdn eg
info1 could be a little shorter, names a bit longer to not get cut off
sort champ table by lp, games, winrate
refresh live game page every 30 min
unread page messed up
units (cs/m, gold, pinks, games) smaller in champ table
data for bot, urf, etc.
privacy|terms in copyright
send list of names or common names to autocomplete search
remove border on champion role buttons (firefox?)
convert times server side in tag
add loader to live game have game table
notifylist format weird, uses old base template
flex queue stats format on profile
don't look up live game again if coming from player - use variable or cookie or something
store percent kills bot/mid/top before 8 or 10 minutes, show on player champ stats/live game
sort items by cost
posts - bst, chicago
games - the whole thing is a drop down, not just the end, but when dropped down champions link to champion page
kda/winrate colors
live game streamers embedded
live games "60% 10 played" vs "60% 6W 4L"
sort games by queue type and champion
old games with changed names link to player current page
edit post - javascript markdown doesnt include hashtag
edit comment
delete comment/post
event models - too many? too many saves
post sort votes
unread page votes look glitchy
caching/loading time?
open in new tab
-1.png just for sake of browser cache?
hover rune/skill - show description text
MapDeath and death recap dmg breakdown
css background grey/block content in div, so when you scroll don’t see black above bar
rune var1 - also add var2, var3?
live game on top not side by side
objectives tab for game - maybe not idk
lookup order/priority
========below this line done!===========
add users to lookup queue
show num comments on post
leaderboard load faster
make champions page load faster
add milio
allow slashes in post title
letsencrypt cert renew
live game glow not going away
match damage
make homepage load faster
homepage sort hot/top/new
store skills in single bigint
speed player load by not doing match details until click? (js)
search doesnt work on firefox
load more games doesnt work (firefox?)
live game rearrange by role - use champinfo roles
post box bigger? maybe standard css
store/show more queue types? at least ranked, flex, normals, aram
game scroll doesn't work after updating player?
add update button to start rather than end of lookup queue
expanded game recap - info for all 10 players
switch "player posts" "player stats"
champions & matchups spacing in top bar
pad and scroll messed up on player
center search bar on homepage
On mobile text dark?
Site info text for search
live game different length because name
add loader to live game
live game button glow from old game - make still take to new game after update
make looking at livecheck -> add live lookup -> possibly refresh game
sort not just by LP - by rank and LP
player champions page
top bar/switch bar - show more games
update - check name (rename not just once they played game with new name - pretty sure done)
if only one of games/posts on page, only one scroll bar
champion search/role filtering (hover
champions models/page
lookup id rather than summonerName
player scroll more games
signup no multiple users for player
live game button remove glow if not in game
live game
comment post by, time
update - last update time
static files
markdown in edit
visible images |
by latence 1673823691677 |
I'd want img to show your image in post/comment but not sure how |
by thetankman 1675058274721 |
that's [img] (no space) (https://www.linktoimage/) |
by thetankman 1675058327795 |
by thetankman 1675058418981 |
what the actual fuck this thing is cracked out oif ajdsfikhnafdhn b wow |
by thetankman 1675058520239 |
by thetankman 1675058608709 |
without link url [ |
by thetankman 1675125929243 |
wait lol you can just do img text like reddit? |
by thetankman 1675125951658 |
does it need the exclamation ![] |
by thetankman 1675125980439 |
!( |
by thetankman 1675125995969 |
! |
by thetankman 1675126014753 |
[!( |
by thetankman 1675126045000 |
[ |
by thetankman 1675126070641 |
[ |
by thetankman 1675126107881 |
by thetankman 1675126147895 |
ok it's like reddit but with an ! |
by thetankman 1675126182431 |
! [img] ( |
by thetankman 1675126221678 |
to post an image do this without spaces: ! [image text] ( |
by thetankman 1675126257848 |
!( |
by thetankman 1675126270905 |
! [] ( |
by thetankman 1675127031629 |
interesting post on server timezone game density - from what zven said about korean pros at midnight |
by thetankman 1676410743740 |
also interesting post on lane volatility - bot never goes even? |
by thetankman 1677083140731 |
test comment |
by thetankman 1681238312209 |
Match history - filter by champion, teammate champion, enemy champion, teammate player, enemy player could do this on match history page but it'd get cluttered? aesthetically lets make a new page and just link to it (next to all champs) seems easiest implementation - either send all matches to user and filter in browser, or filter user's query on server? user->server sql->user seems better to not redo the sql work worse in javascript, but might have a delay on every query better to load in browser? but takes a while... maybe get a set of matches in browser, 20 to start, and try to answer query with those, if not then get more - 20 more, as many as it takes to answer query, all of them? you know what maybe send 20 immediately but then get more if that takes longer often will page be used? sucks if bots constantly hit it but can be forbidden right ok so start with 20 and send more, but for now just send all and try fast load later then in browser - store matches in json or something and populate? server side rendering not good here right but that's the natural thing with django right ahhh |
by thetankman 1683759790143 |
maybe that is the pattern tho idk just do query and render matches normally on server... |
by thetankman 1683759989324 |