S12 ending notes

by The Tank Man on The Tank Man 1673664149748

As opposed to my usual uselessly abstract posts, these are uselessly concrete. However there were a few takeaways I focused on for the last games of the season:


-don't get autod for free when your adc can't auto back

-don't get cced, especially in front of enemy adc, but almost never worth

-don't die to ganks


-don't walk fog/bushes, especially when rushing to a fight

-don't go without teammates


janna kaisa vs rakan jhin

cant waste q vs rakan can engage

rengar bot - lose fight if he jump you from bush so don't walk up to it

rakan still bot not herald - instead of hitting herald go recall run bot to stop dive

sona twitch vs nami lucian

they low under tower but their jg can get there - patient don't walk up

don't get chunked before fight

nami close under tower just press w don't wait for react

behind and no ults cant end 5v4 mid

janna zilean vs nautilus draven

naut hook into root - q immediately during root and exh draven

low vs ap shyv - need to just recall or r? maybe r if stay for drag idk or accept team gap on drag

sona ezreal vs soraka twitch

need ward river before walking up lane

no play mid - stay bot so twitch cant kill ez

twitch invis and we hit tower - save w chord for his ap burst

sona ashe vs nami tristana

ping they not bot going mid

fed kat - cant walk over dagger or get bursted, care while chasing in fight

sona kaisa vs zilean aphelios

aphelios switching red to purple gun gets root combo - care gank setup at 3 minutes

just ignite belveth to secure kill

kaisa gets 1 for 1 on gank then cant turn so just leave

again red/purple combo with galeforce/zilean sets up gank

maybe w chord belveth also belveth does 1000 dmg cant step in + baron

sona jhin vs thresh cait

cant walk up if thresh can cc you in range of cait

maybe time ult with zoe going back on r

herald still up and jhin boots vs galeforce doesnt want to 2v1 - just go herald

sona tris vs amumu kalista

cant eat even one amumu q lvl 1 forwards in lane

ping roam top

sona mf vs lux jhin

blitz waiting bot cant go 2v3

cant get vision vs blitz lux need to wait

crucible always on 4?

sona twitch vs naut kalista

never hooked unless completely free, chaotic fights bad vs naut/kalista

sona twitch vs naut kaisa

kill naut he runs mid - ping mid

kass missing top and naut hanging around alone - ward bushes before pushing

into drag naut hook from bush so walk behind maokai - cant ward without him

sett runs into tower - r as soon as he takes aggro?

lulu vayne vs bard twitch

can feel trundle gank that burns flash - dont walk up

bard/trundle in river cant walk mid

gwen lvl 17 cant facecheck

look graves going in R him

sona mf vs alistar kaisa

ali q 14s up again somehow?

missed xp not 3 off of minion

sona cait vs renata kalista

cant r qiyana from stealth - start with exh

maybe exh start vs ekko as well - wait for ekko e to r him

sona ezreal vs renata aphelios

looking for dive but they low - aph/renata step to bush they can aphelios with kindred

aphelios goes herald ping renata?

care mid for maokai R flank

sona jhin vs amumu samira

cant walk up to tower without 6 and flash vs amumu 6 and flash

hang back until amumu r - amumu q on qiyana flash away from her

ideally get vision behind qiyana

dont go up to auto irelia on GA - need to wait amumu r

lulu kaisa vs blitz samira

junglers fighting raptors - can't walk into bush without vision, blitz waits to hook as you move belveth jumps wall cant check drag

belveth kraken cant fight herald

sona mf vs leona ezreal

ward bush as you leave it - cant walk back into it without vision or leona e

if leona e you flash away before root

sona ezreal vs pyke tristana

karthus just walks into lane - cant fight just walk away, he is 5 and hits 6 or has r

chunked by karth r cant walk up past ez until heal full or pyke e r on you

ap varus r - dodge or flash arrow after because it procs 3 stacks

lulu ashe vs nami yasuo

windwall - don't walk into it or around it just walk back

lulu draven vs thresh aphelios

care pushing in zoe bot cant fight

lulu jhin vs naut cait

lane fked by lvl 1 - need to stay out of naut hook range until we equal cant eat 1v2

we rush baron - diana going to come steal baron so step between her and pit to get poly off

lulu kaisa vs yuumi ezreal

q lvl 1 space yuumi ez more patient get kited if run in

irelia stun you - gets q reset so flash immediately

they have diana top/irelia tp so take dive slow top, cant burst ww during poly

soraka cait vs renata draven

soraka hesitant teamfights - dont engage stay backline or flash out early

soraka aphelios vs maokai mf

stay bottom side of lane, vs rammus take e lvl 2

2v2 top but they have mid push and fizz goes bot cant walk up

vs engage champs like rammus r, soraka q after they go in

soraka tris vs karma kaisa

dont get chunked for free - dont go in karma w range when team weaker

lulu ezreal vs signed kaisa

singed/graves roaming - ward own lane and river and spam ping mid

ez strong tf weak so go with ez

soraka jhin vs karma mf

can never run thru panth/reksai even to get to team

sona sera vs pyke tris

walk straight away from pyke lvl 1

when tris jump in 1v2 wait for her e bomb on you to flash away

lulu zeri vs rakan sivir

both jg botside - look invade with prio not dive


janna mf vs naut samira

dont facecheck and flash naut hook if have to check

release q to stop aatrox from getting into pit

lulu twitch vs karma trist

save w to peel in fight even if twitch r unless they 100% lost

janna ashe vs pyke seraphine

contestable drag need to stay with lee on it then go wave

sona mf vs karthus amumu

wait amumu to take tower aggro for dive

sona ezreal vs karma draven

dont fight pre 6 flash karma q if low

sona nilah vs bard trundle

trundle gank like 3 min dont die to jg

sona seraphine vs janna sivir

dont get cced in adc range space trades

sona vayne vs singed kaisa

need ward lvl 1 vs supp sit in bush

lulu mf vs panth tris

mark topside - go mid out of base for fight

dive incoming - save q to slow panth taking tower aggro

sona karma vs renata sivir

cant go up into 1v2 triangle where they can both hit you

nunu gank - r him and flash snowball

flanked by renata in bush need to ward collapse on one side

lulu draven vs zilean pyke

vs akali need to e so can w/exh her through shroud

sona sivir vs bard seraphine

ping bard roam out of base

^stay to get cs -> bard resets first -> ping earlier

janna swain vs yuumi kaisa

vs diana aoe engage stay behind team - don't follow engage on aatrox just to auto him, stay back to r position channel safe

when team pushing sidelanes/doing nothing - be patient dont go up sometimes just do nothing dont die

their mid push/back, our mid push/back later, their mid push mid out and roam - dont die to roam timer

if win lane and swap out care vs their fed lane care dont die

save poly for w enemy fight

lulu tris vs amumu xerath

when vibes bad - team sidelane or just not walking up - cant go up

lulu cait vs sona draven

no cds and cant walk up to trade with draven

just start ward honestly need in tri with no flash

lulu sivir vs pyke seraphine

viego holding stun to wait out sivir e so poly him

cant do much 2v1 sivir vs seraphine probably roam

plant is greed vs pyke alone

sona xerath vs janna syndra

walking to fight through fog - keep camera on self and care own path not low hp teammate

garen strong heal before his r

lulu nilah vs swain lucian steroids/cc on ad attack speed champs - our nilah their yone, not our fizz their vlad

lulu jinx vs soraka nilah

vs fiddlesticks - cant ward over wall or go up without vision, need to stay back not get ulted

^also when fiddlesticks has vision of you mid

lulu vayne vs bard samira

pushing up to tower need ward

lulu draven vs taric yasuo

they try dive top = need to ward tri for fiora and stay until she has safe recall

want to ward baron but kha can hop wall - need to ward over blue pit first before going up

^alone so has to be slow if no vision on baron whatever but cant die alone

sona mf vs nami lucian

when they dive nami takes aggro - auto nami since she has aggro

as soon as luc goes in with e/galeforce need to r him even if cant turn

sona swain vs xerath zeri

obvious they get 2 first - don't go back in to hit minion

we have crab but need tri warded too to not get ganked

vs hec e stand apart/down lane so no pressure on you to flash

auto xerath at his tower greedy because too close -> he can stun/zeri run down

belveth gets reset on vayne kill so stay in fight with her

cant chase past swain - stay behind even as chasing fight

sona jinx vs ashe mf

early armor not good actually vs runes and mf e

3 pts w

sona mf vs taric sivir

cant walk near bush vs taric

with comet mf - dont get cced

sona mf vs renata draven

they hit 2 first

sona draven vs lulu twitch

draven at tower - cant fight drag 3v4

no mana cant stay vs yone

their twitch ahead cant hit his tower

sona ashe vs renata zeri

drag fight their kass moving our yas still mid - cant trade with zeri need wait yas

looking mid but gp/ashe far back and they have j4/kass engage so cant go in

soraka aphelios vs rakan ezreal

need rush zhonyas vs qiyana eve rakan no dark seal room

rakan w coming back up cant hold wave

vs eve need to stay right on top of aphelios always

sona jinx vs rakan sivir

vs skarner - need to r skarner before he gets in range of jinx

stay with jinx and r early

soraka sivir vs yuumi nilah

nilah dashes through you - q on self

no flash - stay away/behidn sivir to not get aoe cc by nilah/yuumi

sona tahm vs blitz ezreal

stay behind tahm cant slip forward/side when trading

dont back for item if staying on map is better (herald fight coming with noc r)

sona janna vs nami lucian

vs luc nami dont trade at all early space far back and with w chord

vs fiora parry r her as soon as she gets close before she can w as part of her combo

sona sivir vs pyke seraphine

karth gank at 3 min while trundle top crab - need ward also care before sivir spell shield

care seraphine ult from range while fighting - ready to flash

low vs pyke - ready to stopwatch pyke r

no cds/bad position maybe give drag

sona aphelios vs karma zeri

walk to lane care kha leap behind tower

facechecking baron bush - cant walk into akali e

sona zeri vs amumu swain

a bit out of lane amumu q - stay all the wave in lane

janna zeri vs pyke sivir

need ward lvl 1 vs pyke

if focused keep running away until both pyke/sivir stop chasing then can turn

cant get low from trades vs nunu

janna zeri vs alistar yasuo

space tower vs ali

chasing teamfight as janna - stay behind team, especially as going into bush feel gwen turn

sona zeri vs naut sivir

weakside with jg coming - need to wait for jg to get in front

getting ganked from left so stay right side of lane

soraka sivir vs sona zeri

sweeper means fewer wards care gank

far on q - q direction sona going

no moonstone vs sona moonstone - cant win extended fight

sona mf vs pyke seraphine - stay alive even while team fights

seraphine r counterengage - care when following into fight and into choke corridor, ready to flash

pyke still alive - just leave fight until like half hp

sona seraphine vs ashe mf

fed side vs fed darius - r darius as soon as he goes melee range of yi

ashe r from fog - care walking up mid

janna heimer vs pyke sivir

our mid comes back from base, their mid has roam timer - cant clear pink, need ward tri

flash not in line from pyke q

sona jhin vs rakan samira

walking to diana but samira in jg - care dont get caught while walking to fight

cant walk up mid vs zac rakan - need to go back not right, stay alive not move toward team sidelane

cant facecheck drag - team not there before so don't go

tp mid - again cant walk to side need to go straight back

sona seraphine vs lulu twitch

need ward bush lvl 1 vs twitch or he goes up with ambush

lulu dead to seraphine r/combo/auto on way out - don't need to keep going forwards, don't eat twitch autos

ahri very fed - e away and stay behind galio cant get charmed

zilean jinx vs alistar ashe

can kind of feel gank - stay away from ali ready to flash his flash combo

sona aphelios vs taric jhin

taric in bush - space e as he walks out of it

taric stuns from bush - stay a bit farther from bush and walk back as soon as he walks out

fight lost dont stay to auto

janna jhin vs rakan sivir

hec R up - items a lot of cdr - chemtech murumana seryldas chempunk lucidity

flash hec r to the side - mouse ready

3v4 mid dont follow close/auto, hec used r but rakan still has

^count engages (hec, rakan, vlad)

soraka jhin vs sona sivir

as soraka maybe q adc instead of supp

kill melee minions first when pushing

position in fight?

sona mf vs bard xayah

want to collapse but too early - our team coming but yone at red, graves portal in with bard

soraka jinx vs sona ashe

q during their autos not at max range

save e for their towerdive

janna seraphine vs amumu kalista

space akali always run away from her to be out of e/q range

winning fight slowly vs amumu/j4 enage - stay behind dont clump/get caught by counterengage

sona sivir vs nami ezreal

their mid/jg coming to dive, not 6/no spells - don't keep trading with ez, just wait under tower for kindred to come cover

sona zeri vs seraphine tristana

sylas split bot - cant get slowed/chased down mid

soraka ezreal vs sona zeri

vs poppy - once her e touches you cant flash

cant ward over red wall toward baron

vs zeri - keep camera/mouse on self, ready to turn from laser

by thetankman 1673837933032

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