Until you get punched in the mouth

by The Tank Man on The Tank Man 1673664331774

I was well aware that when I started playing again after a decent break I'd run it down, but after mentally pontificating through the screeds I want to post here I either thought I had more of a plan than I did or just plain forgot how hard I could run it down. I did in fact run it down.

Which is fine, you know, there's no other way to do it. You can come up with whatever bullshit you want, it may even be correct, but actually playing the video game is what forces you to get the important and basic stuff right.

For sona that's remembering you don't have to do anything to play the champion; you just have to not let the enemies play their champions (ie dont die to them ie dont run it down). If they're playing nunu or thresh or something then they're the ones who have to kill you with some stupid 2 minute gank or dumb minion dematerializer into hook or whatever. Other champs have to actually do things; sona you just need to not die to them.

So it helps to play the game and do a little feeding to remember ok, sona you do nothing, you win automatically just focus on what the enemy champs do.

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