soraka notes and thoughts for the start of s13
soraka is the strongest laning enchanter
wins lane against all other enchanters especially nami lucian and heimer
struggles against range like cait lux, jhin xerath, and varus lanes
don’t throw q out randomly in lane
unless it will hit 70%
soraka will outsustain every lane if she stays healthy and lands q when needed
soraka kalista has grown in popularity in pro play but is very hard to pull off in soloq
hardest matchups for soraka are lux, xerath, brand, yuumi (adc dependent)
redemption rush can be better than moonstone rush
but make sure to take ingenious hunter with redemption
standard build is swifties > moonstone > warmogs
don’t buy heal cut on soraka before warmogs ever, it is low value on soraka
swiftness boots will always have higher value than other shoes
you shouldn’t put yourself in a position to be cc’d or auto attacked in team fights
always level w second and not e, your poke is useless and is way less practical in trading situations compared to having empowered w with q
don’t put any extra points in q; max w as soon as possible
unless you are playing farming soraka, then put 3 points into q
avoid using dawnbringer and reaper skins, it is easier to see the q radius
star guardian soraka has the least noticeable q outlines
don’t use e to poke unless there is nothing useful to silence during lane
hold onto e during team fights until you need to use it (this is very important)
try to wait until full moonstone stacks before ulting
walk in and out of bush to create fake pressure in lane
prioritize your hp over everything
do NOT sacrifice your hp in a trade even if your adc is spam pinging to go in
once you lose potions and reach 50% hp it is very hard to play
try to heal your adc only after landing q unless you need to
swifties > moonstone > warmogs is interesting but not really standard? Do you get enough health for warmogs passive, and why is it better than idk lucidity and sofw/chemtech? |
by thetankman 1673914280010 |
You get enough hp to utilize warmogs passive if you have hp shard from runes + moonstone |
by latence 1675287084592 |
You definitely need the hp rune to go warmogs. I'm still wondering - why do you go warmogs? I don't see it as really the "standard" build - for one thing are you the only one doing it? Are there specific situations where warmogs or redemption or whatever is better, or is one of them good enough that it's best every game? |
by thetankman 1675288492842 |