ivern blog

by The Tank Man on garbocan 1674828006012


It's tempting to attribute changes in rank to something you changed (played 4000 games of ivern and mentally ascended) when in reality than external factors changed (early season is less competitive). But still people who climb in early season at least like the game and are interested in their champions and the meta.

I will say I was not convinced by the post disliking ivern rengar.

You can't just bracket away jungle ivern with rengar top and have half the reasons be about mid ivern when there are rengar top players. I also don't think ivern even wants to be a selfish midlaner; are we really picking ivern mid to play for midlane?

Also, I never like how league players use the word "agency" - even if you're simply following rengar around and pressing e/w for him and rengar is the one expressing skill, you're still making your team win! Your complaint is that you don't get to convert your skill into impact on the game, not that you don't have an impact on the game. If you had to solve a chess puzzle before each auto attack you'd certainly increase your skill expression, agency? So just say it's low skill expression, doesn't let you display your 10 million ivern mastery virtuoso whatever, don't use the a-word.

And the rengar can be bad is not a real reason unless ivern is somehow baiting more bad rengars than other combos (eg nami baiting bad lucians). Maybe people randomly picking rengar is a real problem for ivern players idk but to me this post only dislikes bad rengar players, not the combo itself.

Is the case that lucian nami or other combos are really easy and intuitive whereas rengar ivern is not? That'd be my most charitable reading - that rengar is tempting but hard in a way other champs like lucian are not.


hi, author of the blog post here

Ivern + Rengar is deceptively difficult for a few key reasons:

With conventional bruiser/fighter champions like Darius, Sylas, or J4, Ivern is able to make them better at doing their job, making for an easy and consistent synergy. On the other hand, Ivern paired with Rengar gives him new jobs to fulfill. He now plays to teamfight instead of pick, and enter through the frontline instead of looking for flanks. Each of these changes require vastly different playstyles and very specific limit knowledge.

On top of having Rengar-Ivern specific limits, it's very punishing to mess up. Since Rengar will be jumping directly into multiple people, one mechanical mistake can lead to Rengar getting popped, often times giving shutdowns as a result. This is less of an issue if the Rengar player builds bruiser, but the problem still exists regardless.

Another one of the thin margins of error is with Ivern's positioning. As the Ivern player you have to be able to walk up in the fight to get bushes and shields onto Rengar. This means that the Rengar player needs to always keep Ivern's positioning in mind to make sure he can stay safe, which is a large task to add onto an already populated mental stack.

So I do believe that Ivern baits out more bad Rengars than other combos, since many are unprepared for the new challenges that it presents. This is especially true since there are combos that can create similar results much more consistently and with less effort.

Also, I can see what you mean by me using the word "agency" weirdly. Technically I am expressing agency over the outcome of the game by picking something that helps the team win. A better way of phrasing it is that I felt like I wasn't able to express myself when playing with a Rengar. I want to be happy/excited whenever I do something good and sad/angry/disappointed whenever I mess up, and those feelings are largely diminished when the decisionmaking is "save everything for rengar" and the way to play fights is "place your spells on rengar".

by garbocan 1702340239120

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