Janna Mechanics

by The Tank Man on PokéMarty 1675721455556

This guy wrote a janna guide on mobafire under the name Janna Mechanics waaaaay back in the day - almost a decade ago (wow, time...) - and I remember reading it and getting some new insight into janna or the game. A formative experience, although honestly I can't remember what and it doesn't seem to be on mobafire anymore. Maybe AP scaling? But I'd like to recreate here that experience of seeing what interesting players do.

Honestly the scary question is what does legendsofleague do that mobafire doesn't? For one thing it doesn't have a ton of junk content and I think would better filter out junk. But just checking mobafire today, recently updated guides by half decent players I recognize such as ll trigger and johnnyfast:



Of course, I call them "half decent" grudgingly; really it pains me to say (vacillating between "admit" and "say") marty or ll trigger or johnnyfast or anyone is actually good, but at least narrowly they know their champions in a way most players on the server don't and could learn from.

But to answer the question - I think mobafire focuses more narrowly on champion guides, whereas I'm interested in anything interesting about league players. Definitely including champions, but also whatever league players enjoy. Similar to reddit, but more lax in relevancy moderation because linking to league accounts means anything you like is by definition something league players like (but only post good things, please).

So more general stuff than champions like items, the meta, art, pro games, whatever, but critically for me interesting players themselves is a category that doesn't really exist on mobafire or anywhere. And writing about them next to their profiles is the right form for that.

Anyways, Janna Mechanics, the nostalgia...it's funny when I see a new account now my first thought isn't "who is this new person" but "who was this person before they left and came back"

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