He's good Top

by Khun AgueroAgnis on Nami 1677258735752

The increased base damage on his e gives him lane potential top into most champions.

Pros - Insane CC for gank setup, Good Damage (if ahead will be able to sidelane)

Cons - Can't play into gwen fiora jax camille

Go grasp unless into renekton (aftershock) shieldbase and whatever else in that tree. Biscuits for early mana.

E > Q > W Your E does insane early damage with levels to the point where you can 1v1 most champs due to how low the cd is. Play your early game around Grasp passive aa + E combos. If they trade back use w. You can easily get prio will chunking opponent each time. If your being ganked q is a good escape tool as it buffers some cc alongside being good setup. Once you finish sunfires, assuming youre not behind, you can easily all in most fighters and bruisers.

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