State of Vayne

by Khun AgueroAgnis on Urgot 1677259427807

I don't think the champ is bad it's just that her playstyle has been extremely hard to pull off in recent metas. With the extreme lane kingdoming and bot focus it's been hard to shine. However, I think she should become more and more playable as people take up engage kill pressure lanes like kaisa/samira leona,alistar.

On a balance note, the champ is "strong" but only in the case where your w is worthwhile does she outperform the average aoe based adc these days. I highkey would want to see her balanced around her tumble increase dmg rather than her w true dmg. Ie: Nerf W by like 3-5% and make the q dmg abe to crit and increase base dmg. Basically, move her back to crit reliance and off of onhit b/c currently you get your items to empower w then itemize into tankier stats to survive to get procs. Would much rather bring back the high risk reward curve crit itemization offers.


basically predicted the future

by iaace 1679534895963

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