How to deal with cait lux

by Latence1 on Lux 1677261862331

How do you win against cait lux as any enchanter? It seems unplayable until 40 minutes into the game..


I feel like now you pick nautilus alistar or something but if you only play enchanters then

-Lulu janna just press E and do nothing all lane, hope something good happens, maybe even go relic shield now really just do nothing

-Sona has enough range to maybe trade, like one Q for maybe one cait auto, the important thing is to not get snared because then you just die 100-0, eating lux E is probably ok honestly as long as you dodge lux Q. Dodging lux E does wonders for your ego though because she should hit it right but the way I always lose this is egoing lux Q and saving flash until getting trapped and dying anyways. A lot of the time you get pushed under tower and when that happens cait steps up to auto, and you want to go up and Q/auto her, but lux Qs me when that happens is at least what happens to me. So when they push you under tower you need to be really careful of lux Q before doing anything. Which yeah I mean don't eat lux Q is basically the whole lane idk. Could either go w max maybe early tear and just sit there like lulu/janna or 2 pts Q and a bit of trading and kill pressure.

-Soraka Q I think they're too far away to hit, I wouldn't want to try this

-Nami W you can't really bounce but if you have a lucian or something the lane kind of snowballs maybe if you're winning and can go in. If you're losing it's fine but I'd rather play sona.

-Annie I'd like to try, her Q/W are just too short but maybe her autos, idk how good her E is after nerfs but the movespeed and dmg reflect actually sound pretty good vs lux

-Karma Ezreal or something is probably losing but if you're better at dodging/hitting skillshots idk maybe

by thetankman 1677277599860


I'll also say lvl 1, maybe if you're in lane first as karma ezreal or something you can go for lvl 2 first and try to actually win lane, but I feel like as sona a lot of the time when I try to do that against really aggressive early game stuff like caitlyn ashe something weird/bad happens. So it's fine to just not push lvl 1 and let them get 2 first.

This might be more for vs hail of blades ashe where I feel like you can just sit there while she's pushing you in but not taking 2/3 your hp with hail of blades, and assuage yourself "ok you're pushing and I'm doing nothing but I'll win this game like 6 or 7 times out of 10". Lux definitely scales better than ashe (as long as you don't get arrowed mid vs ashe) but still more like 5-10 minutes of pain than 40

by thetankman 1677305204883


Just to do a little gloating:



All these lanes are messed up if you eat lux Q you die and if you don't nothing happens. But you can win later if your team is good.

by thetankman 1677359500742


One last thing, this post was about cait ashe but it's sort of true for cait lux too https://www.legendsofleague.gg/league/post/71/Should've%20gone%20shurelya's%20vs%20nidalee%20elise%20asol%20cait%20ashe/

My feeling on shurelya's vs moonstone is shurelya's is for more chaotic, pick focused games whereas moonstone is for more front to back teamfights, typically enchanter vs enchanter, and cait/ashe and cait/lux play much more like a pick support than an enchanter. They're looking to lux q you into one shot, not teamfight. So it's more of a shurelya's angle, which feels more fun for dancing around the lux q.

by thetankman 1678118877159


one more thing (thought I deleted the entire database btw but it's still here! also backed up now. anyways) a lot of the time lux q-flash on you lvl 2 it turns out...definitely need to be ready to trade flash for flash then

I feel like ppl stoped playing lux/ashe/karma as much though but idk

by thetankman 1680589064673


one more thing (thought I deleted the entire database btw but it's still here! also backed up now. anyways) a lot of the time lux q-flash on you lvl 2 it turns out...definitely need to be ready to trade flash for flash then

I feel like ppl stoped playing lux/ashe/karma as much though but idk

by thetankman 1680589100683

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