Definitely not Cupic

by The Tank Man on buhudong 1678118507648

When you see someone playing lux, zoe, syndra, ori, surprisingly no sera? the odd adc, sona, senna...

Also one of the ways you can feel someone is good is they play well even in a loss - I played a game with his syndra and it was like nice we win yeah syndra did well but everyone on the team did well, so I didn't give the player a second thought. But then I played with his lux and he was the only one performing, which imo is more impressive because it's way harder to play when losing, and then I checked the account and was like yeah I know who this is.

I think I could be more resilient in that way - not crumpling as easily in losing games. For instance not dying too when a gank could just be a kill on our adc that I live. On the other hand botlane might just be inherently volatile idk I'm still meaning to check on that and post on it. And it's not just not dying, some people will just stop playing when losing I feel like, like they won't even try to walk up to farm much less do anything. What particularly gets my goat is when behind adcs, after losing tower, decide to freeze bot - literally every time this happens the other botlane goes and takes free dragon, free herald, and free 7 towers; the freeze is so pointless man just push the wave in. Rant aside this lux was still like killing ppl despite having no team which yeah is one of the marks of a good player.

Also when you see a very shared account playing certain champions in challenger, there are only so many people who play those certain champions...

For instance the string of ekko wins, a few jarvan wins, is probably a certain insanely good ekko whose pings I like to mute

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