initial milio thoughts

by The Tank Man on Zoe 1679942669127

-Q is a lot like janna Q, slow moving cc good for interrupting enemies dashing into you, can stop nunu, tris, etc., not sure how long the cast time is but vs fast moving engage like panth or alistar it might be better to just toss it out if in range if reacting is too slow

-not sure if max E then W or W then E

-should probably make a mental note of all the cc on the enemy team until you get comfortable using milio ult so you're ready to cleanse it, and vs aoe cc like annie R or hecarim R need to stay back out of range so you don't get cced yourself

-in general can just stay back, never need to walk up especially in teamfights, just play with teammates and peel/buff them rather than engage

-scaling is pretty good, maybe depends on champs in game but probably always good

-his w seems designed for censer but sofw is still probably better most or all games

-e/w also proc shurelyas a lot so that's probably his mythic

-ap scaling on e/w/r is terrible, at least passive has a 20% ap ratio and is probably procd a good amount in fights although idk exactly how often

-seems like you need aery and then idk ghost poro and maybe ultimate hunter or revitalize

-pretty good with all adcs, people seem to really like to lock in jinx after I pick milio but eh it's good if you play jinx but any adc seems good

-like a lot of enchanters sort of snowbally in the sense that you don't do anything proactive but shut down enemy plays, so it's hard to come back but hard for the enemy team to come back too, and get a lot of value out of items

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