solar cooker (get it he's cooking lol)

by The Tank Man on I am SĂșnlight 1680145970878

He's cooking asol top and thresh top...asol top makes sense, meteos was talking about it actually, you have a relatively useless champ early who just wants to farm so just put him top where he doesn't have to interact with the rest of the game. If your mid is weak early it might fk your bot/jg but weak top early won't so much. Maybe top is troll but maybe top is actually his best role and will become a big balance issue as he's stronger top.

Thresh I have no clue lol. Was it just because of some hook buff? Do his souls scale weirdly? Flay? Wtf even is thresh top lmao

Also a year ago he was the one who showed everyone garen scales incredibly well, but now the strength of the garen pick is pretty well known elsewhere too

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