surprisingly good rengar top
by The Tank Man on xRoyal 1680149810259 |
This is a bit of a backhanded compliment but yeah in previous games I was not impressed by either this particular player on other champs or by other rengar players top, whereas xRoyal's rengar top has actually worked when I've seen it. In particular I felt like other players (white snow, maybe others) would get solokills in lane but fall off, whereas this guy's rengar build is more flexible or bruisery or something and seems useful later too. Maybe it's empowering his w/e instead of q, idk. Or maybe I just happened to get lucky in games with xroyal idk. But he is 1000 lp now so clearly something is working consistently (which is why I feel ok with the backhanded compliment - overall he's doing something right).
Anyways if I did ever wake up wanting to play rengar top (which will never happen but still) and wondering how to stay useful this is where I'd look for replays.